303 Brookside Ave

Redlands, California 92372

(909) 793-8837

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303 Brookside Ave

Redlands, California 92372

(909) 793-8837

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Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Dental implants are used for several different purposes. Some patients use them as a replacement for natural teeth that are missing due to extractions or trauma, while others will have them placed in order to give structural support and strength to dentures. Dental implants are titanium screws that are placed into the bone and gums […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Once a patient starts exploring options for replacing a missing tooth, they realize that there are several different options. For those who want to improve the health of the mouth and the appearance of the smile, dental implants are becoming the most popular choice. Dental implants are a long-term solution for missing teeth that provide […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Dr. Terry Vines helps his Redlands, CA patients achieve the smiles they’ve always wanted with a wide range of restorative and cosmetic dental treatments. From teeth whitening to teeth straightening, he gets patients the results they want in the time and budget they can invest. However, when a tooth is lost, the first step is […]

Many options exist for filling a gap in your smile caused by a missing tooth. One option that is gaining popularity is dental implant surgery. Dental implant surgery occurs when the dentist places a titanium screw directly into the jawbone. The metal piece then fuses with your jawbone. Next, your mouth is given time to […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

If you’re considering dental implants you may have been surprised to learn that the procedure is not always possible without some dental work to prepare the mouth. Many patients who are considering dental implants learn that in order to support the implant they must first have a bone grafting procedure performed. Dr. Terry Vines of […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

What’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Is it their eyes, the color of their shirt, or their smile? Many people say the first thing they notice is someone’s smile. If other people are noticing your smile first, is it as bright and as happy as it could be? Many patients in […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Almost everyone would like to have a whiter smile. Years of drinking coffee, dark colas, red wine, eating dark chocolate or red pasta sauce can leave your smile less white than it used to be. Some patients visit their local drug store and hope the claims on the packaging that promise to bleach and lighten […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Do you feel like your smile has lost some of its luster? Chances are if you are interested in whitening your teeth, you have already noticed that the drug store shelves are filled with products claiming to put the sparkle back in your smile. From toothpastes to strips and dental trays, there seems to be […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Every time we encounter a new person, our instinct is to flash a warm smile. When that smile is marred by stained, discolored teeth, we may want to do the opposite and hide them. Having teeth that are noticeably discolored can impair confidence and impact social and professional communications. With such a wide range of […]

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry - Redlands Dentist -

Have your friends or family told you that you should smile more often? Do people automatically think you are unhappy or unfriendly when they first meet you? If you are self-conscious about the appearance of your smile, people may get the impression that you aren’t happy, when in reality, you are just embarrassed by the […]