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Redlands, California 92372

(909) 793-8837

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303 Brookside Ave

Redlands, California 92372

(909) 793-8837

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Many adult patients who regularly receive dental exams and cleaning have likely been offered teeth whitening methods at one point or another in Redlands, CA. At first, some people might have felt a bit offended, but the reality can be seen in the mirror. No matter how good you are at taking care of your smile, food and drink over the years have a staining effect on teeth and darkens their appearance. Teeth whitening reverses this effect and produces a brighter, cleaner dental appearance physically. However, what a lot of people are not fully aware of is that teeth whitening has a significant impact on social interaction as well.


Have you ever seen someone in a movie or a TV show with bad teeth unless they were in costume, like an actor playing a zombie? The answer is probably no. Why? The answer is a cultural one; in the modern world, due to advertising, community expectations and lessons we learn growing up, whiter teeth are given high value. They are associated with:

  • Success
  • Attractiveness
  • Education
  • Higher-income status
  • Charisma

And all of these above factors tend to produce even more positive interactions for people perceived as such, making teeth whitening cost minimal in comparison.

Teeth whitening helps people reverse the social effects of teeth staining and recaptures much of the appeal that comes with a visibly clean smile. Additionally, as you gain confidence in smiling again, it makes a better impression on the people you work with and interact with daily. This, in turn, increases opportunities that might not otherwise occur socially as well. People tend to want to work with, promote, and support those whom they like versus people they would prefer to avoid altogether. The idea of teeth whitening improving social success is not made up; numerous social science and psychology studies have discovered the same statistically; people prefer people with cleaner, better smiles.


At Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry, we make teeth whitening easy and accessible for you in Redlands, CA. As long as your teeth are clear from devices like braces, and you have not already had veneers or dental bonding performed, you may very well be a good candidate for teeth whitening. Unfortunately, if the former applies, teeth whitening will end up causing visible differences in teeth with work done on them, which can cosmetically stand out and look unappealing. When a patient is a good candidate, uniformity of color is taken care of by Dr. Terry Vines and our professional team’s skill and talent. The results will get you noticed and make your smile socially more vibrant when interacting with your peers, associates and friends.

To find out more, give us a call at [phone] and set up an appointment at our Redlands, CA, office. We would be glad to go over the details and offer you the possibilities of teeth whitening.

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