Losing all of your teeth has a large impact on your overall well-being. There is never a time when living without teeth is healthy on any level, which is why dentures have long been used as a replacement option. Our teeth complete our facial structure, lending support to cheeks and lips. By restoring this structure with dentures, the face maintains healthy contours. In our Redlands practice, there are a number of options for creating the best possible denture restoration, one of which is the hybrid denture, also known as hybrid dental implants.
For those who have worn traditional dentures for some time, this innovative approach to restoration can provide ample benefits. The combination of dental implants and a denture appliance makes restoring the function and attractiveness to a smile more cost-effective, more comfortable, and, in some cases, a healthier alternative.
A hybrid denture consists of dental implants on which a denture appliance is affixed. To begin the process, several dental implants are inserted into healthy jawbone. In some cases, the jawbone will need to be built up to provide adequate support for function. Placing the implants into the jawbone sets the stage for the kind of restoration that feels completely natural, because these posts serve as a new root system.
Once the implants are inserted, a customized denture appliance is affixed into place, where it will stay without slipping or rubbing against gum tissue. This benefit is life changing for some denture wearers, who may have experienced fit issues with a traditional appliance. A hidden benefit that is often overlooked is that implants stimulate the jawbone, which encourages sustained structure over the years.
Wearing a hybrid denture feels just like natural teeth and oral hygiene needs to continue just as though all teeth are natural. Although the materials used in dentures and implants will not corrode, oral hygiene is a must for the avoidance of periodontal disease. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also a vital part of the success of a hybrid denture, as the appliance is removed by the dentist for a thorough cleaning periodically.
To improve the appearance and function of your smile after the loss of teeth, talk with your Redlands dentist to determine the best course of action.