303 Brookside Ave

Redlands, California 92372

(909) 793-8837

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303 Brookside Ave

Redlands, California 92372

(909) 793-8837

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Has an aversion for wearing metal braces kept you from seeking the orthodontic care that you desperately need? If you are ready for an alternative to teeth straightening that requires no metal brackets or wires, it is time to learn more about the Invisalign system. With Invisalign, clear plastic aligner trays take the place of traditional metal braces, gently repositioning teeth into their proper position. Invisalign is discreet and affordable, making it the preferred method of many of our teen and adult patients.

The invisalign aligner trays are replaced every two weeks over the course of treatment to slowly reposition teeth. During the consultation process, computer technology is used to map out the movement of the teeth and that information is then sent off to a laboratory for custom fabrication. Depending on the severity of the misalignment or bite issues, there can be anywhere from 12 to 48 sets of trays. Most treatment is completed in an average of eighteen months.

To achieve the best results, Invisalign aligners must be worn about 23 hours each day. In order for the system work, patients must be compliant with wearing the trays. The good news is that because they are removable, patients can feel free to take them off to eat and clean teeth. This means that there is no longer a long list of “off limits” foods. Simply take off the trays prior to eating and make sure to clean the teeth thoroughly before replacing the trays.

Over the course of treatment, patients will notice the gradual changes in their smile. Overall, our patients have been extremely pleased from their results with the Invisalign system.

Proper alignment of the teeth is important for a beautiful and healthy smile. Patients who finally correct their alignment issues often tell us they wish they had come in and done it sooner. If you have been putting off orthodontic treatment, you should call our office today to set up a consultation for Invisalign. During our consultation, we’ll be able to evaluate your teeth and determine if the Invisalign system is right for you.

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